Dinkel Porzellan - Thomas Collection 2022

Loft gibt es in rund, eckig und oval . Unterschiedlich große Teller und Schalen fügen sich in ein Gesamtkonzept , können je nach Lust und Laune miteinander kombiniert werden. Egal um welches nationale oder internationale Gericht es sich handelt , Loft bietet den passenden Teller oder die passende Schale dafür. (LQH DQJHQHKPH +DSWLN EHNRPPW GLH .ROOHNWLRQ GXUFK GLH IHLQH 5LOOHQVWUXNWXU DXI DOOHQ (LQ]HOWHLOHQ | Loft is available in round, square and oval. Plates and bowls in different sizes fit together into an overall concept and can be combined with each other just like you want to. Doesn‘t matter which national or international dish, Loft has the right plate or bowl for it. The range is given a sensitive feel by the fine groove structure on all of the individual pieces. | /RIW ª GLVSRQLELOH LQ URWRQGR TXDGUDWR H RYDOH 3LDWWL H FLRWROH GL GLYHUVH dimensioni si inseriscono in un concetto globale e possono essere combinati tra loro come si vuole. Non importa quale piatto nazionale o internazionale, Loft ha il piatto o la ciotola giusta per esso. La gamma è resa sensibile dalla struttura a scanalature sottili su tutti i singoli pezzi . 61